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Stair Amendments 2021

Que de femmes at Factory 49

Materials: Cardboard


The title, Stair Amendments, arose from my working with an architect on plans for construction of a set of stairs. The title is dry, referring to a functional architectural application, seemingly devoid of poetic content. But it is this dryness that allows for a surprise encounter.


The stairs were not square edged forms; they were angled in such a way that inspired me to create an identical form that would neatly insert itself between each step. I made a pattern to create a cardboard box that sat at the edge of each of the steps Viewed side on, the image could be read as a 2D plane, but as one moved to another viewpoint its status as a 3D form became apparent.


The actual (concrete) steps became the holder, or armature upon which the cardboard boxes (sculpture) told another story, the story of their conception as a set of steps, that in their origin convert from a 2D plan on paper to a 3 dimensional form that then functions for human access.

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