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Spacious, 2012

Sculptural installation at Balmain Glasshouse.

The glasshouse is located between the Town Hall

and Police Station Darling Street, Balmain.

Wheatgrass was grown in situ on the built-in benches in the glasshouse and remained in place for the month of March 2012. In that time it sprouted from seed to form, over the course of a week, a bright thick belt of green around the inside perimeter of the building.

Spanning the 5 metre long central bench were two large light boxes, which came on at night time, exposing the wooden structure of the roof and creating a glow from outside which waxed and waned as it rose and fell to the pace of a meditative breath, reflecting the living and breathing organism of both the building and plants.

Water misters automatically came on at intervals enveloping the space and its occupants.

During the course of the installation, there were two evening planting workshops run by the local community group who manage the glasshouse.

One was on growing wheatgrass and sprouts plants commercially, the other by chef, Indira Nadu, was on growing plants on your balcony. The public were invited into the glass house to experience it as an architectural form whose light, space, air and water surrounded and enveloped the participants.

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