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Testing the Heart of the Land, 2015

In Cross Point, Maehol Open Air Art Symposium

and Festival (MOA) 2015, Korea

Materials :netting, ruler stethoscope,  disposable gloves, goggles surgical bowls, mud,

metal identifying tags.

Cross Point was held for 23 days with 64 domestic and international artists from 17 countries. Curators; Kim Isun and Magda Guruli, Director Park Bueonguk.

The work was made over several days on a tidal mudflat, and culminated in a performance.

The mudlflats, live with crabs and other living organisms were doomed to betaken over and reclaimed for development.


I decided to collect core mud samples and investigating what was in them, and spent time drawing what I found. Using found red, and blue found plastic, I placed marker flags at the sites from which I collected the samples.


For the performance, I donned a white hazmat suit and continued the act of collecting samples, placed a marker flag at that site and transferred the samples to kidney dishes in my portable ‘laboratory’ marked out by a white net.

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