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In the time it takes to pass

through this space... 1999

Union Lane and Degraves St Underpass, Melbourne

Funded by City of Melbourne,

Percentage for Art Program.

Computer generated vinyl text on light cover panels and across 12 window display cabinets in Degraves St underpass.

The text, ‘in the time it takes to pass though this space, I thought, I saw, I felt …’ was placed on both light cover panels and also spaced out on the glass display cabinets (one word per cabinet)  lining either side of Degraves St underpass. Looping the text along the windows, and in the opposite direction on the light covers in the ceiling had the effect of ‘containing’ the space.

And highlighting the circularity of movement back and forth of the thousands of commuters passing through every day. The work was designed to define the space, architecturally, and to engage the commuter in their passage through the space prompting an observation of what they are thinking, seeing and feeling in that moment. 


A performance involving musicians and actors took place between Union Lane and Degraves St underpass to mark the opening of the Degraves St work and the closing of the work in Union Lane.

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